Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Self-Promotion For Your Dealership

Are you properly promoting yourself and your dealership?  This is a key to solidifying the reasons why someone should visit your dealership rather that your competition.

One thing that I have discovered, in speaking to over hundreds of  business owners, is that all business owners believe that their particular business is different. Well, guess what...  You are correct!

If you look close enough in your dealership; you will come to the realization that you in fact have something different or special about your dealership. But you are making a BIG mistake....  By keeping this a secret.  You have a great opportunity to promote yourselves and your dealership if you start promoting it.  And they best part is you can get it done for the cost of a  “first class” stamp – just 44 cents currently in the U.S.
What you need is a simple yet powerful postcard that can be mailed to you entire list of contacts, leads and service customers.

You can also write a simple 1-page press release and then send it out in #10 envelope. Your local newspaper and media are hungry for news stories...  So make sure they use yours!  But they can ONLY use your store if you in fact send them this information.

Making the mistake thinking that they will seek you out your dealership is a big mistake.

If you want to learn more about effective marketing and sales for your Dealership; request a Free Report from Auto Marketing Profits on cost-effective marketing strategies that deliver results.

Dedicated To Increase Your Profits 
Sean Patrick

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Advertising 101 - Essentials of Your Perfect Car Dealer Ad

In today's time - it is harder to get your advertisement or marketing piece read and "believed" by your prospect.

Your Dealership is only getting a very small percentage for those big color newspaper ads you run every week that are costing big bucks.  Because the following advertising costs so much "Yellow Pages, Radio, Newspaper, Television"- you must be positive you make the most of your advertisement.

Below are the essentials of what you need to be placing in all advertising:

Reason for your Advertisement:  In order to get the attention and trust of your reader  - you better have big news, a big idea, or a solution to somebody’s problem. Advertising and saying nothing of interest to your prospects is literally throwing your money away.

Attention-Getting Headline: The headline’s first job is to have the reader to STOP everything they are doing – and shift all their attention to your Ad. Many experts claim, “the headline is the ad for the ad.” If they don’t read your headline, they probably won’t read the rest of what you have to say.  Auto Marketing Profits gives away the 220 Best Headlines with all products.

Push Buttons: Reasons) to ACT NOW that are believable. Use deadlines, “limited” supply of vehicles or service, “First 100 who respond”, etc.  People are busy and tend need a reason to respond now, or they may never do it.

A Clear, Call to Action: Do not assume that your prospect knows how to respond to your offer – or how they should contact you. What you may think is obvious, is not obvious to 100% of your target market. Make it clear and make it stand out so there’s no question on how to respond.

Extras: Offer proof, credibility, answers to skeptics, reasons not to respond and others. What others say about their experience with your Dealership far outweighs what you could ever say about your Dealership. Always get and use testimonials from happy customers.

If you want to learn more about effective marketing and sales for your Dealership; request a Free Report from Auto Marketing Profits on cost-effective marketing strategies that deliver results.

Dedicated To Increase Your Profits 
Sean Patrick