Thursday, February 14, 2013

Creative Advertising In Your Dealership

Beware of Creativity In Your Car Dealership

Creativity can creep into the picture many ways, including your own boredom with your business; overestimating the sophistication of your market; taking advice from unqualified sources, etc. The most important thing to remember, as David Ogilvy put it is: creativity is what sells.

Every element of an ad, printed piece, or strategy should advance the sales process. If something does not move the prospect closer to purchasing, what is its purpose?

It's interesting to note that much of the advertising that wins the awards and the approval of the advertiser, his associates, friends and family members fails miserably in selling anything.

Most marketing purposes can best be served by sticking to the proven basics, rather than relying on the current creativity fads.

Now, go ahead and take a fine look at your advertising to see just how creative you are being in your dealership.

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