Monday, February 25, 2013

Is Your Car Dealership Marketing A Wasting Of Money?

MISTAKE #1: Common marketing / advertising methods don’t work in today’s competitive environment. Wrong!

 Common methods -- such as advertising, publicity and newsletters -- can be highly effective when used correctly. If they don’t work for you, assuming your reaching your actual target audience, the problem is that you’re sending an incomplete marketing message. The method is only as good as the message it delivers. If your message lacks any needed components, you’ll lose clients to other dealers who deliver a complete message.

MISTAKE #2: Your marketing’s most important function is to promote your vehicle's and services. False!


The most important function of your marketing is to establish that you can be trusted. Most people will not do business with people they don’t trust. While your prospect is considering whether to work with your dealership, he / she is also trying to determine whether they trust you.

MISTAKE #3: All you need to do is get the word out. No!

You must both get the word out and get a response back. This is the meaning of “direct response marketing,” often shortened to “direct marketing.” Old style marketing worked back in the 1950's - 1980's using only institutional advertising. But today, your marketing efforts must be built on proven principles of direct marketing. Because if you don’t receive a response, you can’t be sure your prospect even received your message.

MISTAKE #4: A public relations program that generates feature articles and broadcast interviews will attract new clients to your practice. Maybe not.

In most cases, P.R programs bring exposure, but exposure does not always bring new clients. A good publicity program can be an important part of your marketing program. But whether your publicity program generates only exposure or solid marketing results depends on the experience and know-how of the person conducting your program.

MISTAKE #5: The toughest challenge you face is to persuade your prospects. No!

Your toughest challenge is to find prospects. Your marketing program should attract qualified inquiries so you start to build a trusting relationship with genuine prospects. You could have 100 new clients tomorrow if prospects knew how you could help them and where to find you. But, in most cases, prospects don’t know you exist. So you must assume the burden of getting your message into your prospects’ hands. That process begins with finding those prospects.

MISTAKE #6: The most effective time to start delivering your marketing message is when your prospect is in your dealership. Wrong!

The most effective time to deliver your marketing message is when your prospect first thinks about his / her problem or want and wants to know what solutions are available. You have a significant advantage over other dealers when you have a packet of materials you can send to your prospect. You can offer your information packet any number of ways, such as through advertising, publicity, newsletters or direct mail. When your prospect thinks about their problem or want, they see that you offer material on the subject. They either call or walk into your dealership and requests your information. Then you send your materials by mail or e-mail. In many cases, this puts your marketing message into their hands before they make a call on other dealerss.

MISTAKE #7: You should send your newsletter to clients and prospects quarterly. Not even close!

In today’s over-advertised society, you’re fortunate indeed if you can create an impression in your prospect’s mind. If you hope to make your impression stick, you should send your newsletter at least monthly. The more often you stay in contact with your customers, the more new business you will likely attract. The frequency with which you deliver your newsletter is important.

MISTAKE #8: Prospects will go out of their way to do business with your dealership. Hardly!

You must go out of your way to attract their business. Dealers often think a small obstacle, such as paying for a long-distance phone call, will attract calls from more qualified prospects. And this is true when your prospect comes to you by referral. But if your prospect does not have a personal recommendation -- and has not yet received your marketing message -- They may have no greater interest in using your dealership vs another in your area. I urge you to provide an e-mail address, toll-free number, and other conveniences. These increase the likelihood that your prospect will contact you before they look at your competition.

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