Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Creating A Game Plan For Your Car Dealership To Increase Sales

Ever consider developing a game plan for your Car Dealership?  If not, that this is a must read that would help you to double new customers in your Store.

It's simple; the more new customers that you have, the more successful you will be at your Dealership.

Developing this kind of idea is one way to be on top of your area for sales.

So how do you create a game plan? The answer to this is that you should come up and set for goals. Some goals to set for are:

#1: Setting Goals for How Many New Customers You Want:
Setting goals on how many new customers you would like to have can be one of the very helpful ideas. Set the number of new customers that you would have, let’s say, for a month. Having this number in your mindset can help you target a specific number of customers at a fixed rate in a month (let’s say 100 customers in a month). Then as time passes by, you will be able to add more new customers to those fixed numbers of new customers ( let’s say from the fixed number of 100 customers, you will be able to have 120 customers in a month, etc.).

#2: Setting Goals for What Type of Customers You Want To Attract:
Deciding on what type of customer you would want to attract can also be helpful to increase sales at your Dealership. These could vary from customers from different kinds of status and professions (lawyers, accountants / financial status / location, etc.). Having these ideas would help you in setting up the income that you would like to have in a month; as to how much you would charge for this type of customer, etc. depending on their status and professions.

#3: Setting Goals for How Many Referrals You Want To Generate:
As you will be able to satisfy your new customers with your services, there would be a very big possibility that the number of customers that you have set for in a month will increase in number.. through their referrals. They would come up with ideas of introducing you to their friends, relatives, etc. Your customer would say, “Hey, I’m very satisfied with the services that my Dealer gives me… so maybe I would introduce them to my family and friends!” Through this, you would be able to increase sales at your Dealership.

#4: Setting Goals for How Much You Expect Each Patient To Be Worth:
For this part of the game plan, you should identify how much each new customer would be worth, or what the “lifetime value of each new customer is”. Say for example, you would come up with ideas that for your customer who is worth $1000, for your customer who is worth $1500 you would change your marketing plan, and so on and so forth for each style of customer. Having this kind of planning can help you set how much profit you would have within a month or a year.

Looking for more ideas to increase your success: Go to
to order "52 Free / Low Cost Marketing Strategies Guaranteed to Attract New Customers & Clients Into Your Auto Dealership In Any Economy".

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Car Dealer Marketing is Changing! How is the Strength of Your Dealership?

The other week I offered a few of my Dealer clients an opportunity to receive a FREE piece of marketing advice that uses a bunch of different Killer Marketing Strategies.

One of the questions I received from one client was:
“Sean, how do I know what strategy to start with using your marketing strategies?”


“How do I know if my dealership can be helped with marketing?”

Well, here’s a roundabout answer…and it explains what you REALLY need to think about instead of being misled by a consultant or marketing rep.

There are 7 specific measurements I like to look at that helps me “objectively” coach my clients on the “Strength” of their dealership!

Here are 2 of them:

1. Referral Ratio: you may be thinking to yourself, “What is referral ratio?”

This is simple…and you ‘really’ only need a general ball park.  Don't worry about 100% accuracy....

Simply take the total number of referrals you received last year and divide it by the total # of actual customers you had.

Example1: 300 referrals/ 1200 actual customers = 25% referral ratio.
This is “GOOD”, not great…but a good starting place.

Example 2: 120 referrals/ 1200 active customers = 10% referral ratio
If you fall in this range you have some MAJOR improvements to do. The good news is that at least you now know it…and we can go to work on it.

If you hit below a 30% referral ratio, then you would list it as one of your strategic objectives to improve on over the next 3 - 12 months.

If it is below 20%…then it is critical! You need immediate action!

2. Value of a New Customer!

Why You need it? You want to know what a customer is worth to your Dealership. But when first getting started, keep it simple.

The reason you want it is that it will tell you how much profit you are generating per each customer.

This will tell you: “What your Return on Investment Is Per Customer” or ROI

If the cost to acquire a new customer is $300…and your customer value
is $1500…then you know for every 1 dollar you spend…you get approximately 5 back.

That is a good start.

If your ROI is 3:1 or lower, then you are in DANGER…and need to bump it up ASA.!

Either way, even if you have a higher ROI. You are ALWAYS looking to improve this!

Value of a customer is a thing that you will never stop trying to improve. Okay?

Here are some simple steps to increase your customer acquisition ROI

1. increase referrals per customer
2. Bring in more service and improve customer spending
3. Improve your new customer experience
4. Start a customer newsletter so you are communicating with existing customers.
5. Offer more tailored services

There are more ideas, but this gives you a VERY good start!

Looking for more ideas to increase your success: Go to
to order "52 Free / Low Cost Marketing Strategies Guaranteed to Attract New Customers & Clients Into Your Auto Dealership In Any Economy".